Cherry Bookcase

I was recently commissioned to make a cherry book case for a gift.  The wood is old Cherry – although it was so weathered it was thought, at first, to be walnut.  The design was rustic – live edge and asymmetric. Construction: The shelves are made of two...
Joiner’s Tool Chest

Joiner’s Tool Chest

Partly out of the frustration of having to clean the rust off tools after one too many humid summers, and partly because I was tired of looking for a tool that I had put down, in an obscure location, while looking for another tool… It was time to get organized...

Chip of the Old Block

Meredith making a cutting board – I guess with Collins Genes she should know how to do this stuff…           [jwplatform...
Windows seat – Bookcase

Windows seat – Bookcase

The Cherry had been cut and stacked for many years and was thought to be walnut – but once the boards were planes it was clear that it was Cherry. (all weathered wood is grey) A perfect match to the windows trim.

Shaker Mantel Clock

This was a Christmas gift for my daughter – getting it to England was another story… Click this image to see the build...