The 11th article on using hand tools.
This article first appeared in The GMC Group’s Publication Woodwork Craft 2015
From childhood I have been fascinated by boxes – we still have our children’s ‘treasure’ boxes in the attic – with countless treasures inside. Jewellery boxes are equally fascinating with their treasures, many drawers, trays and compartments. In this article we will make a simple, handcrafted cherry box, with a single drawer, drop in tray, hinged lid and secret compartment.
Tools and Techniques
Throughout these articles we have looked at many traditional techniques and this box will incorporate and refine a great many of the skills that you have learned. Tool-wise, you already have all the necessary tools: rip and cross cut saws, marking and cutting gauges, narrow chisels, coping saw and mallet, clamps and combination plane.
This article first appeared in The GMC Group publication Woodwork Craft 2015