On a recent visit to meet the Editor of the magazine I write for, I was given a guided tour of their studio/workshop. In one corner behind the bench there was a wall of fake brick. In photos this gave the illusion of working in an old brick barn rather than a large ‘shed’.
On returning home I set about creating a similar illusion – my neighbour was throwing out a couple of sliding door and I created a bi-fold wall behind my bench.
This has worked quite well – but requires that I walked around it to get to wood, large machinery and at the same time run teh risk of tripping over the coountless cords.
It was time for a change and some reorganization of the woodshop. There is no better lighyt to work with than natural light – so the bench had to move.
Moving a 400+ lbs bench is no easy matter.
Well done Michael – a very effective result. I envy you the workshop space as well as the skills of the ever busy craftsman
on parade!
Thanks John!
A couple of people have asked if I can do a 360 of the woodshop – I might just have a go.