The forth of several articles on using hand tools.
This article first appeared in The GMC Group’s Publication Woodwork Craft Issue 4 2015
Bridle joints can be use anywhere you might use half-lap or mortise and tenon joints. They are very strong and a good choice for jointing thin stock, especially where a lap joint would not offer strength and a mortise and tenon would be too small. I have even seen double bridle joints used in the construction of chairs, joining arm and leg in one flowing piece. As a general rule, a bridle joint can be used in place of a lap joint, but a lap joint should not be used in place of a bridle joint.
As with the half-lap joint there are many variations in the bridle joint. In this article I will take you through the steps of creating the corner bridle joint for a door and the ‘T’ bridle set mid-way in a rail.
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This article first appeared in The GMC Group publication Woodwork Craft Issue 2 2015