Fortunately the winter ran out before the wood, but it was close! What little wood remains seems silly to stack for next year. I recently finished reading ‘Make a Joint Stool from a Tree’ By Jennie Alexander and Peter Follansbee “When it comes to...
Step one in making a 17th century jointed stool – Take one billet of maple fire wood, rive with a maul and a froe into leg size pieces and then plane square. Next step is to cut...
Black Walnut is a beautiful wood and also wonderful to work with. It is fairly common, and good quality black walnut lumber is not hard to find, but can be quite costly – I have several huge Walnut trees in my back garden that one day may make a nice piece of...
Rustic Cherry ‘floating’ Shelf. Made from 100 year old beam 3″ x 4″ x 96″. Finished in Tung Oil. Top and bottom planed just enough to give a flat surface. Saw marks left on front edge. First the beam was...
[twentytwenty] [/twentytwenty] We don’t watch a lot of TV, but we do like to watch those Fixer Upper shows, due mainly because of the ideas they inspire in us, and February seems to be a good month, in this part of the world, to work inside on house...
Latest project is a custom oak kitchen cabinet. As with all my projects, I start with a sketch, usually on any piece of paper I have at hand – With this sketch, I discuss with the client any changes and confirm measurements, and then go from there… With...
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