Office Bookcase

Office Bookcase

For many years we have been saying that we want a well built Office Book Case – for years we have been using one made of particle board. Just not right for a woodworker… Coming back from vacation to a flooded office gave us the excuse to start afresh…

Making a Bench Mallet

Making a Bench Mallet

It’s hard to imagine being a wood worker and not having a good quality wooden mallet. In fact, the wooden mallet is essential for joinery, furniture making, for chopping mortises and ‘persuading’ joints together and apart. Wooden mallets have been around for thousands of years. Over the years I have accumulated a selection – some purchased and some home made. Read more…

Roubo Bench Revisited

Roubo Bench Revisited

Those of you that have been following Sawdust & Woodchips for a while will recall the Roubo bench I made. You can follow the whole build here.

Recently I was asked if I was happy with it?

Part 7 – Sliding lid box

I have been fascinated with boxes for as long as I can remember and have amassed quite a collection, ranging from simple rectangular boxes to more complex sculpted puzzle boxes that I have long since forgotten how to open. In this article I am going to take you through the steps of creating a simple sliding lid box using some new techniques. Read more…

Replacing a Kitchen Counter

Replacing a Kitchen Counter

I had just finished a kitchen cabinet for a colleague and we were talking about redoing kitchens, specifically  countertops.  So this is a quick post about the refurbishment of our kitchen – done a few years ago. Existing Counter The old Corian counter needed to...