June’s Mystery Tool

June’s Mystery Tool

One of the fun things about coming to the UK is the opportunity to rummage around car boot sales (flea markets) and find very interesting tools.

Where to Buy Tools

If you are interested in pursuing a handtool woodworking hobby you might be wondering where to buy tools…

Where is all starts…

Where is all starts…

Timber in the Northeast: Logging practices of the era; from timber cutting to the river ride for the logs. “Forests are the only renewable land resource’. Shows whole families cutting timber, women and children included. Logging

Spring Clean

With so much activity in the shop it is hard to find the time to clean the tools… But it’s important to once in a while clean the table saw.



I have several trebuchets none on a scale such as the one in this video.

Matthias-Pliessnig Sinuous Seating

Matthias-Pliessnig Sinuous Seating

This audio slideshow presents a banquet of benches built by Matthias Pliessnig and describes many of the steps in the process of building them.