IMG_0302_resizeThe month of November has traditionally become a clearing out time in my Wood Shop – with all the scraps I have accumulated either going into the may-be-able-to-use pile or the burn pile.  In my Village local woodworkers all seem to have wood stoves “… that’s where we burn all the mistakes…”  I was told. Unfortunately I do not have a wood stove in the Shop and so have to sneak the mistakes into the house.

So Christmas is only 4 short weeks away and time to use up the ‘can use’ pile.

A while ago I found a stack of Mexican made tiles and thought that they would make nice trivets.  Gifts for people using some of the wood that I had acquired from them.  Some of the spices I have used this year include Cherry, Red and White Oak, Walnut, Black Locus (bloody hell it’s hard) , Pine and Ash.

While the tiles where billed as 4″x4″ they are somewhat rhomboid and so the wood is random widths and custom made to fit each tile.

With all the 45° angles, this project gave me a good opportunity to calibrate my miter saw, which was very slightly out of true.  Click here for an in-depth article on fine tuning a miter saw .