Irish Bag Pipes

I have been asked to make/repair many things over the years, but none so interesting as an Irish Bagpipe pipe. I was contacted by a bagpipe maker to match the wood colour for a section of an Irish bagpipe.

Shaker Style Candle Stand

Shaker Style Candle Stand

In this article I am going to take you through the steps of making a Shaker candle stand based on one first made in New Lebanon, NY Shaker Village in the first quarter of the 19th Century and is currently in the collection at the American Museum in Bath UK.



I have several trebuchets none on a scale such as the one in this video.

Matthias-Pliessnig Sinuous Seating

Matthias-Pliessnig Sinuous Seating

This audio slideshow presents a banquet of benches built by Matthias Pliessnig and describes many of the steps in the process of building them.