20120609_1674Those of you that have been following Sawdust & Woodchips for a while will recall the Roubo bench I made. You can follow the whole build here.

Recently I was asked if I was happy with it?

Well I seem to work with lengths of wood that are invariably shorter or longer than can be clamped between the dog in the wagon and one of the bench dogs.  With hindsight I should have made the wagon vice have greater travel than the distance between two dogs.

A work around is to wedge another piece of wood between the work piece and the wagon dog – but with thin wood this is impossible.

This happens often enough to be frustrating.

2015-11-25_14-42-51I think a solution is to create another dog hole farther
away from the first bench dog.

I’ll have to document the lengths of wood that I use to see if they will then be clamped with this setup.

Stay tuned for an update.